Age Verification

Provide access to over 51 million pre-verified users to validate their age and enable new members to verify, all in a single transaction.

When to use this policy

Ideal for retail and eCommerce integrations that require validation that the user is affilited with a specific community.

Who is eligible?

Anyone 18-years or older is eligible to be verified leveraging’s KBA-R identity verification solution.

Essence of policy

Identity verification based on one (1) strong piece of evidence:

  • Phone Verification


  • Document Authentication

Verification flows

As of November 2023, has over 51 million pre-verified users within our network and our network is growing by the tens of thousands daily. Since takes a network approach, these pre-verified users can now securely access offers, benefits, and services in seconds with just 3-clicks. New users complete verification just as fast, using the least amount of information required to verify their age.

Use cases

Here you can find example use cases:

In Cart/Checkout - Lenovo

Native Application - Pilot